因为很多年没操作此站了,也没啥可兑换的,随便登录几个号看了看,应该是从2016年开始做的此站,每月能兑一批5美元 Amazon Gift Card,性价比一般。
不幸的是,OpinionSquare小组结束的时候到了。虽然我们将不再提供调查,但您仍然有时间兑换任何无人认领的积分和代币以获得丰厚的奖品!请确保在 7 月 31 日之前兑换剩余积分余额。在此日期之后,您将无法再访问您的帐户,也无法访问您赚取的积分。
如果您需要删除我们的软件,您可以像卸载任何其他程序一样卸载它。有关如何卸载的具体说明,请单击此处。如果您对您的数据和隐私有任何疑问,请访问 https://www.opinionsquare.com/privacy.aspx。
Dear OpinionSquare Member,
For over 15 years OpinionSquare has been a place where your opinions mattered, and where you earned great rewards for sharing them. Your valuable feedback has helped improve thousands of products and services, and for that we can't thank you enough.
Unfortunately, the time has come for the OpinionSquare panel to end. While we will no longer be offering surveys, you still have time to redeem any unclaimed points and tokens for great prizes! Please make sure to redeem your remaining point balance by July 31st. After this date you will no longer have access to your account and will be unable to access the points you have earned.
If you need to remove our software, you can uninstall it just like any other program. For specific directions on how to uninstall, please click here. If you have any questions pertaining to your data and privacy, please visit https://www.opinionsquare.com/privacy.aspx.
As we bid farewell, we would like to thank you for your interest and participation, which made our program a success. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to support-team@opinionsquare.com.