国外付费社区CC改版为my-take类后,可参加的活动有问卷,讨论和简单投票,不过目前只有问卷有奖励,已经答了几个问卷,都是5美元的,问卷也简单,答卷积分奖励都是秒加到账户,兑换 Apple Gift Card 苹果礼品卡或 Amazon Gift Card 亚马逊礼品卡等上百种电子礼品卡都是秒发!这点比gongos强,不用再等半个月!
Thank you for the time and effort you've put into sharing feedback on the C** C**. We wouldn't be able to help brands within the building materials industry make their products and services better without your expert opinions as a professional in the industry!
In January, the C** C** will be moving to a new platform. The new platform offers us the opportunity to have you engage in some new ways and continue to provide your thoughts and feedback. We really think you'll find the new platform fun and interesting.
What does this mean for me?
Before the move, we encourage you to redeem your available rewards by visiting your Earnings and Progress page.
Redeeming your rewards:
Any incentives you have available can be found on your Earnings and Progress page.
Visit your homepage, Click your username in the upper, right corner to access your profile.
Within your profile, select the Earnings and Progress link.
Click the Cash Out button and follow the instructions listed in the pop-up prompt:
Verify your account by clicking 'Request a Code'.
The code will be sent to your email address.
Enter the code you receive in the 'Enter Code' box on the site.
Note: your requested code will expire in 60 minutes. You can request as many codes as you need to complete the process, but only the most recently requested code will be accepted.
Once your cash out transaction has been created, click the link to select your reward from variety of eGift code options.
Logging into the new community platform will be quick and easy. On January 3, 2024, you will receive a message from the new C** C** email address, with a temporary password, username, and the email address associated with your account.
Upon your first login, for security and personalization, you will be guided through creating a new password and you'll be ready to go!
We understand your time is valuable and thank you for your participation. We sincerely hope you will continue to provide your feedback as a part of our new community.
按国外问卷社区网站使用的源程序分,常见的国外付费社区类型有Toluna、Maru/Matchbox、MVR、Recollective、Vision Critical/Alida、Ipsosp、CSpace、C+R Research、360MR、Human8 旗下的 insites square 和 Gongos、icanmakeitbetter、ORC、FC、MT、MG、QuMind、Question Pro、bellomy等。