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摘要2023年年底有部分社区关闭,有部分社区从一个系统换到了另一个系统,挑不同类型的其中几个写一写,记录一下,总结一下。翻了下邮件,该社区是2017年进入,叫 ORC,2019年改版后叫 HC,一直做到现 ...


翻了下邮件,该社区是2017年进入,叫 ORC,2019年改版后叫 HC,一直做到现在,奖励规则应该一直没变过:每月积累够200分,次月初发5刀奖励。也有特殊活动,做一个发一个的钱。

Earn $5 monthly reward by reaching 200 points each month. Once you reach 200 points, you will be featured on our Home Page under “Gold Star Members Who Have Earned The Reward This Month.”

Your points will reset at the beginning of every month so you can see how close you are or when you have hit the mark to receive your reward! You can check how many points you have at any time by visiting your profile.

Earn points by completing activities or participating in discussions.

Earn 50 points by completing 1 activity (meaning you must complete every question or “task” within an activity).

Earn 5 points by starting a discussion topic.

Earn 1 point by responding to a discussion post.

Since discussions can be on or off topic, the maximum number of points you can earn a day is 5 points for discussions. As always, feel free to participate beyond this!



改版后换成了 Tango Card Reward Link,期间发过几次 Virtual master card 和 Virtual visa card,写信给社区管理员后次月改回来了。

还是TCRL方便,上百种电子礼品卡随意兑换,秒兑秒到,当然我们只兑 Apple Gift Card 苹果礼品卡和 Amazon Gift Card 亚马逊礼品卡。


Dear Claudia,

We first want to say thank you for being such a valued member of our H** C** community. Whether you joined us years ago or more recently, your input in the research and activities we have conducted has been invaluable. Unfortunately, the community will be closing in early January 2024 and the last activities will be posted in mid-December 2023.

We will keep the community open in January so that we can send out all rewards earned for December and any final questions may be asked to the moderators. We encourage you to continue participating to earn the final rewards and give your feedback within a few final activities. If you have any questions about anything or about this announcement, please reach out via email to the moderators.

Thank you again for all you have done. Your feedback and participation have been so appreciated and valued. If you have any interest in participating in future studies outside of H** C**, please complete the activity posted in the community that you can find here.




按国外问卷社区网站使用的源程序分,常见的国外付费社区类型有Toluna、Maru/Matchbox、MVR、Recollective、Vision Critical/Alida、Ipsosp、CSpace、C+R Research、360MR、Human8 旗下的 insites square 和 Gongos、icanmakeitbetter、ORC、FC、MT、MG、QuMind、Question Pro、bellomy等。


